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002. Eglish study

유트브로 영어 회화 공부하기 4


* 라이브 아카데미 채널로 영어 공부 기록하기

23.3.17 07:15


연습가이드 #4



- 주제 : 막 ~하고나서, 막 ~하려던 순간에

- 내용 :

 오늘 아침에, 집에서 막 아침을 다 먹고 딱 나오려고 하고 있는데

 갑자기 화장실이 너무 급했어. 그래서 늦었어

 This morning, i was at home, I had just eaten breakfast.

 Just as i was about to leave, I had to go to the bathroom really bad.


 어제 밤에 막 퇴근을 하고나서

 사무실 건물 밖에서

 딱 버스를 타려고 하고 있는데

 지갑을 안가지고 온거야

 Last night, i had just gotten off work

 i was in front of my office building.

 And just as i waㄴ about to take the bus,

 I noticed (that) I didnt' have my wallet with me


 * 퇴근하다 get off

 * notice 알아차리다(어떠한 변화나 특이사항을 알아차리는 의미)


 며칠 전에 학교 도서관에서

 레포트를 막 다 작성하고나서

 교수님에게 딱 보내려고 하고 있는데

 화이파이 연결에 문제가 생긴거야

 A few days ago, I was in the school library

 I had just finished (typing up) my reprot.

 And just as i was trying to send it th my professor,

 I started having problem with my Wi-Fi connnection


 오늘 아침에 집에서

 막 일어나고 나서

 화장실을 가려고 딱 걸어가고 있는데

 아래층에서 엄마가 누구랑 애기하고 계시는거야

 This morning, I was at home

 I had just gotten up

 and just as i was walking over to the bathroom,

 I heard mother talking to someone downstaris.


 * (just) as I was about to 막 ~하려던 참에

    (just) as I was 막 ~하고 있는데


