* 라이브 아카데미 채널로 영어 공부 기록하기
연습가이드 #14
- 주제 :
- 내용 :
* 숙제
독립한지는 오래 됐는데요
It has been a long time since I got my own place
요리를 본격적으로 시작한지는 얼마 안됐어요
but it hasn't been very long since I started cook
요리를 해야겠다는 생각이 들었어요
It was only after I found out how much I was spending on food,
that i felt the need to start cooking
시간이 좀 걸리긴 했는데
It took some time
장보는거에 한번 익숙해지고 나니까 크게 어렵지 않더라구요
but once I got used to the grocery shopping, It wasn't that hard
* 본문
너 영화 절반쯤 지나서 들어온거 같던데?
It looked like you came in halfway through the movie
어, 맞어 늦어서 미안해
Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry I was late
아냐, 괜찮아
That's OK, don't worry about it
차가 그렇게 많이 막혔어?
Was the trafic that bad?
그래서 늦은건 아니고...
Yes, but..that's not why(the reason) I was late
출발은 2시 전에 했는데 오는 길에 갑자기 들러야 할 곳이 생겨서
I left before 2 O'clock but on my way here
I suddenly had somewhere to stop by
(I suddenly had to stop by somewhere)
그래서 좀 오래 걸렸어
That's why it took a little long
* halfway through(into) (시작과 끝이 있는 상황에) 절반쯤 지나서~(절반쯤에)
* The traffic was bad
there was a lot of traffic 차가 막히다
* that's not why(the reason) 그래서 ~한건 아니고
* stop by ~ drop by ~ swing by ~에 들르다
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